Mon-Fri: 9am-4pm | Tel.: 514.788.3200 (Dr. Carey)514.788.3300 (Dr. Wang) |
Medical inquiries require a physician's referral.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photorejuvenation is a light treatment that improves sun damaged skin: age spots, brown spots, discoloration, redness, broken blood vessels, freckles, fine wrinkling and rosacea.

IPL Photorejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment that can help turn back the clock and restore youthfulness to your skin. It uses light energy to fade and reduce unwanted sun spots, age spots, spider veins, rosacea, and gives skin a boost for collagen repair and regeneration. There is minimal discomfort during treatment, with no downtime. Very safe and fast, we can treat most areas on the face, neck, chest, hands, with minimal risk of complications. The end result is even colour, smoother skin that can make you look younger and healthier!
It is a safe "low risk" treatment that provides gradual improvement with no downtime.
Some popular areas for treatment with IPL are as follows:
Full Face, Hands & Arms and Neck.

New Patient Form

This form is required for all new patients and provides us with everything we need on your first appointment.